Stress, stress, stressssss! The only way I can explain my feelings right now oh and tired but that's because this past week I have had boring exams *sad face* and more next week *bigger sad face*. Anyway on the bright side today Blackberry did a post about me on their
facebook, check it out here and a gorgeous singer/blogger from Sweden I am obsessed with, oh did I mention he was gorgeous and 19 followed me on twitter haha yes it did make my day, but trust me check out his blog here you will love him as much as I do. In addition I have been running everyday which really does feel amazing and hopefully I can achieve my new years resolution.
But now on to the actual post, last month I did a really fun shoot, you might of seen pics on instagram, and I really do mean fun, the whole shoot was inspired by Mickey Mouse and it was done infront of and inside a big bouncy ball! It was for a magazine called Oryx which is the in-flight magazine for Qatar Airways, so if you do happen to fly with them anytime soon do look out for the pics above. These are the only pictures I have seen so far and haven't seen the magazine yet, so there might be more pictures if so I will post them. In addition I am sure you are all thinking in the second picture isn't that Mickey Mouse's head, yes it is hehe I personally have never worn such a costume before, like the characters at disneyland do, this was the first time, but it wasn't that bad and it wasn't hot - kinder fun hehe but I don't think I could wear it as a job!
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