Life is an interesting thing and I am finding out so much more of what life is like atm. I wouldn't say I am an adult but I am by law, in addition I wouldn't say I was a child or teen, so I guess I am something in between. I have started a whole new journey in my life, I have an apartment of my own that I share with my boyfriend and can call home but that means a whole lot of other things come with that, cleaning, laundry, hoovering, cooking, paying bills, making sure you turn the plugs off, even turning a tap on for a second you have to pay for that. To be completely honest at this point in life I hate money and hate that to get anything in life it costs money. Adapting to 'adult' life - taking care of the things your parents used to when you were a kid makes you appreciate what they have done for you and how hard they have worked. Most people my age still don't take on these responsibilities and don't know what it is like but trust me it is hard!
Along with the whole house work stuff I had a retail job which I lasted 2 days at... yes many of you will probably think I sound pathetic but I don't care of your opinion, but in my opinion NEVER work in retail and if you do work in retail I take my hat off to you. I have modelled for many many years and started as a kid so I do know what it is like to work and earn money, in addition to a lot of sitting and waiting around but in my case sitting getting hair and makeup done and taking photos etc. I have also done a lot of promotional jobs in my time and all you girls in Dubai doing those promotional jobs will know what I am talking about standing around not doing much etc. So to back myself up I have worked in my life and done internships where on my first day my feet bled yes no joke - that's what happens when you have to go all the way to Ikea and buy 2 heavy vases. Anyway I got a retail job a few weeks ago here in London and was listed as a 'stylist' I was very excited to have an annual income and see how a shop runs, no that didn't happen on my first day I had to choose uniform (was excited for free clothes) not so much, the sale was on so there was basically nothing left 'full price' for me to wear so was given some black dress that I really didn't like in addition to boots with HEELS. So I don't blabber on too long the story basically boils down to the fact I HAVE NEVER been in SO MUCH PAIN IN MY LIFE from wearing the MOST UNCOMFORTABLE heels in my life and I wasn't allowed flats, they told me to buy a pair myself and the flats weren't cheap. Along with that I did NOTHING I stood said hi to people that was it I didn't even learn the till. The most exciting bit was steaming clothes. Moral of the story is I will NEVER work in retail again it is boring, you do nothing, your feet hurt and you have to ask to pee or drink water and they don't care about you. TBH I am a bit upset because I wanted to do it and thought I would enjoy it and have an income but no it didn't end well!
So RANT OVER here are just some raw images for updating my portfolio, very bare and black and white. I am wearing my Calvins as you can see.
Should have stuck it out a bit longer. The first days working in retail can be really boring as the managers are getting to know your capabilities. But after a few weeks they will teach you the fun stuff and you'll get more confident with the products and making friends! I've had various jobs in retail and have really enjoyed the experience of working in fashion, which I love. Definitely worth sticking around for a few months till you get a real experience and atmosphere for the store.