Friday, May 1, 2015

Sleeping psychology in a relationship

Even though I am an art student and have always wanted to work within the creative and fashion industry I have always had an interest in psychology. I have always been the nerd watching lots of documentaries about very deep subjects along with things about psychology, and reading up a lot about it. Everyone who knows me knows I psychoanalyse everyone and every situation so I am sorry it I go call psychology on you in a conversation. In addition I am very good at reading people and can 'read' you very quickly - I did that to Oscar the first time I met him and he got really freaked out because I completely got who he was on point.

Anyway I believe people are who they are and act who they are all because of psychology, I thought it would be quite interesting to talk about what the psychology behind the way you sleep with your partner means - yes how weird is it that you can tell how you are in a relationship just by how you sleep next to them:

Back to back without touching (Liberty position)

Couples who adopt the Liberty are: connected and secure in themselves, this position shows both closeness and independence in the relationship

Back to Back Touching (Cherish Position)

 This means both partners are relaxed and comfortable with one another - this is often common in new relationships

Front to back touching (Spooning)

'Spooning' is the classic loving sleep position, it's a 'traditional position' and demonstrates a dynamic where one partner takes a protective stance over the other meaning the partner spooning at the time may feel they need to protect the other.

Face to Face (Lovers' Knot)

The most complex position in which a couple lies facing each other with their legs and arms intertwined for ten minutes before they separate - this is a sign of relationship strength. It is a compromise between intimacy and independence - allowing the best of both worlds.

Starfish position (Superhero)

Selfish sleepers adopt the 'starfish' position - pushing the other partner so they're hanging off the bed. The verdict is that, one partner dominates the space, while the other takes a secondary role.

Resting head on chest (The romantic)

This intimate posture, in which one partner rests their head on their partner's chest, while their legs are intertwined is often seen in early relationships. It represents vibrant, passionate or rekindled love.

Face to face without touching (Pillow talk)

With space between them but their bodies mirroring each other, this could indicate an emotionally demanding union. This position shows a need for intimacy and close communication.

Face to face with legs intertwined all night (The lovers)

Although it's romantic and very intimate this position also shows a lack of independence from each other.
I think most people in a relationship - well girls atleast would back me up and say that when that thing on facebook pops up on your wall about love or relationships you click it - you see we all look at the psychology behind things without even realising. Boys you may not or may be interested in what this all means but as girls we think it is important.


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